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How to Make Potion of Invisibility (3:00) in Minecraft

How to Make Potion of Invisibility (300) in Minecraft

How to Make Potion of Invisibility (3:00) in Minecraft? Invisibility potions in Survival Minecraft are utilized to prevent hostile mobs from targeting you further away. However, it can make for fun communication with others on multiplayer.

It can be startling getting a player you did not know was there right behind you; think if they were invisible! Invisibility potions are a relatively complicated process for the reward, but they can lead to some great fun in multiplayer maps.

Required Ingredients to make Invisibility Potion 

To Make an Invisibility Potion, you will need:

How To Make A Potion Of Invisibility

  1. Blaze Powder
  2. Water Bottles
  3. Nether wart
  4. Golden Carrot (For night vision potion)
  5. Fermented Spider Eye

The most challenging component of brewing potions is to find a nether fortress. The fortress will house blaze and the nether wart needed to make night vision potions. You will need to defeat some blaze enemies to get blaze rods, a material used for crafting the brewing stand and fueling it.

You will require water bottles to hold the potion’s effect. Glass bottles are produced from glass, so dig up some sand and smelt it into the three glass pieces you require.

Nether wart is needed to create the base for night vision potions: the awkward potion. The nether wart can also be developed in the over world as long as you have soul sand. Make sure to plant some, so you have extra for later potions.

The golden carrot is utilized to turn awkward potions into night vision potions. You will require one carrot and eight gold nuggets.

Fermented spider eye is utilized to turn night vision potions into invisibility potions. You will need to craft two separate potion effects for this potion before you can make invisibility potions.

How to make Potion of Invisibility (3:00) in Minecraft

Here is the step-by-step pictorial guide you require to follow to Make Invisibility Potion in Minecraft:

How To Make Potion Of Invisibility

  • To make invisibility potions, you need first to make night Vision Potions. Let’s begin by getting the primary ingredient for night vision potions, the golden carrot. To make a golden carrot, you will need to harvest some carrots. They can be found in villages, seldom dropped by zombies, or found in shipwrecks or pillager tower chests.
  • Locate a village farm; villages can almost guarantee you find carrots. Every village farm has a 1/5 chance to create carrots in their farm plots. You can distinguish carrots from the different crops by their orange base and green leafy tops.
  • Next, you will need to find a gold ingot to build a golden carrot. Gold ore can be seen anywhere below Y level 31. You can also see it in bad land biomes near the surface. The ore is notable by its yellow flecks, and you will require at least an iron pickaxe to mine it.
  • Smelt your gold ore into ingots. Put your gold into a furnace and wait for it to smelt into ingots.
  • Put a gold ingot into the crafting menu to make gold nuggets.
  • Encircle a carrot with your gold nuggets to craft a golden carrot. You now have the main ingredient for brewing night vision potions.
  • Now for the main ingredient for invisibility potions: a fermented spider eye. You will require a spider eye, sugar, and a brown mushroom. Spiders can spawn anywhere it is dark. Wait for night-time and shoot down some spiders to get the eventual spider eye drop.
  • Locate some sugarcane alongside any water source block. You will need to craft this into sugar.
  • Pick a brown mushroom from a dark area. You can get brown mushrooms in swamps, dark oak forest biomes, and underground caves. If you have trouble finding one, you can find them commonly in the nether.
  • Craft your fermented spider eye. First, place your sugarcane on the crafting menu to make sugar.
  • Then put your sugar, spider eye, and brown mushroom in any of the nine crafting spaces to create your fermented spider eye. You can also take this in the player 2×2 crafting menu.
  • Now you need a brewing stand. You can make one with the drops from blaze competitors and three pieces of cobblestone.
  • You will need to go to the nether to find the blaze. Establish a nether portal by placing obsidian four blocks wide and five blocks tall.
  • Next, light the nether portal with any flint and steel. To make flint and steel, you will require iron and a flint. Put the flint and the iron ingot into your crafting menu in any of the nine crafting spaces, and you can start traversing the nether.
  • To light, your portal makes sure you light one of the inside obsidian blocks, stand in the portal for a few seconds, and be able to face the fiery depths of the nether.
  • Next, you will require to place a nether fortress. These fortresses can be very rare; if you are fortunate, your portal may generate right on top of one.
  • Once you have located the red/purple hue of the brick, you know you have found your fortress! Your next step will be getting the blaze that spawns intermittently throughout the fortress.
  • A blaze spawned can make your life much simpler if you are lucky enough to find one.
  • Defeat fairly blaze until you have a decent supply of blaze rods. You will require at least one blaze rod to make the brewing stand, and any extra can become fuel for the brewing stand itself. So make sure to find different blaze rods.
  • Run during your fortress until you come across a staircase with some soul sand and some red fungus growing. This is the nether wart you will require to brew your night vision potion.
  • After you have received all your materials, head to safety and back to your crafting table. Using your blaze rod, combine it with three parts of cobblestone on a crafting table to make a brewing stand.
  • Your brewing stand will require some blaze powder to work. Just put a blaze rod into your crafting menu to make blaze powder. Each blaze rod will yield two blaze powders.
  • Right-click your brewing stand to open its UI. Set your blaze powder in the top left slot to fuel your brewing stand.
  • Next, you will need some glass bottles. Smelt some sand in a furnace to make glass and provide three parts of glass in a v shape in a crafting menu to make glass bottles.
  • With your glass bottles, right-hit any water source to fill your bottles up and get water bottles. Right-click your brewing stand and put the water bottles at the bottom.
  • You are almost done! Set your nether wart in the final slot, wait for the bottles to fill up, and you will have your base for the night vision potion: the awkward potion.
  • Drop the awkward potions at the bottom and grab your golden carrot. Please put it in the same slot that the nether wart was in. After the bottles have packed up, you will have three potions of night vision.
  • Same as before, start your night vision potions at the bottom of the brewing stand. Add your fermented spider eye in the ingredient slot and wait for it to complete brewing.
  • Ultimately, you will be rewarded with three cloudy potion bottles that will make you invisible for three minutes.
  • If you require to scare your friends, make sure you remove your armor after drinking the potion of invisibility. It will give your player invisibility but not your armor. It will be a dead giveaway to the pranks you can draw on your friends.

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